With our long stay in Cincinnati ending, we have 11 more nights before we have reservations in the Rochester NY area where we used to live. Our first stop would be just over 50 miles away at Caesar Creek State Park. It might seem odd to travel such a short distance but we did have several good reasons for doing so. I have a nephew living in the greater Dayton area and we hoped to be able to see him and his family. We wanted to visit the National Museum of the United States Air Force that is just northeast of Dayton. We have found caches in much of Ohio but there are 6 more counties we need to find a cache in and two of them are near Dayton. The original goal would have been to stay at John Bryan State Park, but this park is quite small and only 3 of the sites are listed as being large enough to accommodate our rig and these were not available. Caesar Creek became our plan B and given they have hundreds of sites, we didn’t have any issue getting a spot there.
With such a short drive, we again run into the issue with check out time versus check in time. There was a four hour difference in times but the drive would only take a bit over an hour. We originally figured we would just move to the other side of the parking lot at FMCA and kill some time, have lunch and then head out only coming in a little before check in time. The person working at FMCA told us nobody was booked for the spot we are in, so just stay put and leave when we want. That makes the move that much easier. Coming in on a Friday, makes us like most of the other campers staying here. But there wasn’t a huge influx of campers coming in early like us so it was a smooth check in and setup. With just one exception, I go to plug in the power cord and as I lift the hinged cover up, a wasp drops off its nest, lands on my hand and stings me right in the sensitive spot between thumb and index finger. I don’t think I’m allergic to stings but it does hurt quite a bit for several days.
We arranged to have our relatives over to see the place and have lunch. There are several geocaches located in the park and we headed to the ones that are within walking distance of our camping spot. Their boys were excited to try to find some more caches. Being just 2 and 4 years old, the walking pace is a bit slower than normal but it was a lot of fun. Chris got them a few small trinkets that they could use as trade items when we found the caches. The boys had a difficult time making the decision of what to trade. Since the things they just got to trade with were new to them, they were reluctant to part with them so quickly. After a short stop at the playground followed by lunch, they headed back home for naps.
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Out for a Walk, Geocaching and Bird Watching |
We spent much of the next day exploring some of Caesar Creek. It is a very big lake with the camping area on the northeastern end of the park. Getting to some of the other areas takes a little bit of time. We stopped at the visitor center to do a geocache but we were having a heck of a time. From the description, we suspected it was inside the building but were unable to find the described location. We finally asked at the desk and discovered that the room the cache is in was closed because they were without air conditioning and it was too warm to keep that area open. The ranger let us into the darkened room and we spot the ammo can hidden as described. We ask about other things to see in the park. The pioneer village isn’t too far away so we go to check it out. The buildings weren’t open but we could still walk around the grounds and see the nicely maintained village.
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Cloudy Skies over Pioneer Village |
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Conjoined Log Cabins |
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Hanging Overhead |
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Memphis Belle |
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B29 that Dropped Fatman on Nagasaki |
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Spy Satellite with Gold Film Module |
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Hook 'Em |
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Looks Like This Belongs in Roswell NM |
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Presidential Plane |
We still had half the museum to explore but admittedly we were starting to go into aircraft overload. The missiles on display are impressive to see up close. Building #3 houses the planes from the Cold War era. This whole area was very dimly lit making it difficult to photograph well. Even many of the signs describing the planes were hard to read in the dark. Not sure if the lights were dimmed to give the area a dark feel, but a small flashlight may have helped. Building #2 houses the planes from the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Of course by the time we got there, we were fairly tired so we seemed to go from display to display a bit more quickly. To do this museum justice, it might be better to split it over a two day period.
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Missiles Standing Tall |
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As Geocachers, We Spotted the Ammo Cans! |
There is a lot of aviation history in the Dayton area. Being the hometown of the Wright brothers, many of the sights center around their life. We headed into Dayton to see one last place before it closed for the day. The Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historic Park is part of the National Park system. Another free museum, it houses some additional information specifically about the Wright brothers and Paul Dunbar. Since this is a much more intimate setting than the hangars of the big museum, it seemed to be a bit more personal.
Just across from the main building is the old bicycle shop the Wright brothers worked out of as one of their other (paying) jobs. I was amazed to see that in 1895, they could sell a bicycle for $100! Working through the inflation rates over that timeframe, this would equate to a $2600 bicycle in today’s terms! The tandem bike on display had the interesting design of being steered by the stoker (the person in the rear). A cable system allowed the rear handlebars to turn the front wheel. I think the modern convention is a much safer one. I can only image the consequences of the steering cable breaking! It was quite a full and tiring day but well worth it.
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Rear Steer Tandem |
We headed up to the outskirts of Cleveland to a Freightliner service facility to have our yearly maintenance completed. We didn’t get a very good nights sleep with all the traffic noise from the nearby expressway and the ever present train whistle all night long. But with this out of the way we could continue our journey towards Rochester. Our next stop was to be a quick overnight. The original plan was to stop at the Elks Lodge in Ashtabula Ohio but we changed our plans to go to a campground that is closer to my other sister living in the Youngstown area.
Pymatuning Lake sits on the border of Ohio and Pennsylvania. There is camping in either state but the one in Pennsylvania has a 3 PM checkout time making a visit from my sister being more likely than the 11 AM checkout in Ohio. The park itself is nice and if we had time, it would have been fun to explore it a bit more. Coming in on a Friday afternoon meant it was rather busy. With most of the people coming here with a tent, pop up trailer or small travel trailer, we definitely seem out of place. The site was a bit tight to get into but was manageable once I turned around to make for a better approach. The 50 amp plug turned out to missing one of the legs but rather than reporting it and moving to another site, I just used the 30 amp plug and had no problem. The maintenance guy showed up Saturday morning and confirmed the 50 amp breaker had failed and replaced before we headed out. We had a great, albeit short, visit with my sister. We got a chance to catch her up with our travels and we heard about her recent work. Our checkout time snuck up much more quickly than we wanted but my sister stayed around as I got the slides in and got ready to pull out.
Our next stop is near Warren Pennsylvania. Some geocaching friends live nearby and we had booked three nights at Buckaloons Recreation Area just west of Warren. After unhitching the Jeep, I follow Chris as she leads the way to our site. Most of the campsites look nice but many of them are too small for a rig our size. Fortunately our site is larger and not impossible to back into. I suspect the campers across from our site were skeptical as I started to back in but it wasn’t a problem and soon enough we were setup.
On our first day, we headed to a nearby hiking area at Hatch Run. There are over 100 geocaches hidden around the area as part of a large “geoart” series. We knew we wouldn’t even come close to finding them all but it was a nice place for a hike so we would do as many of them as we can. Although we have never hiked this area before, it felt very familiar to us. It has terrain, trees and plants that we recognize. It felt comfortable. We accomplished one loop before lunch and another one after lunch. Not sure if or when we will make it back to finish up the series.
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View at Hatch Run |
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Arnie Up Top, Doug Explores Below |
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Shores of Allegheny River |
It didn’t take more than a few minutes before we were soaked. For awhile, my feet were the only dry part of my body but soon my socks started to act as a sponge, soaking up the water running down my hiking pants and in a few more minutes the boots were soggy. At half a mile from the cache, we decided to bushwhack through the woods rather than stay on the trail that seemed to be heading away from the cache. Much of the underbrush was ferns - wet ferns. By that point their being wet didn’t seem to matter much. Eventually the rain let up and we found the cache just on the other side of another trail. We decided to follow this trail and see where it went. Of course as most geocachers discover, the way out is easier than the way in. We found this trail intersected the trail we had been on and would have been the preferred approach to the cache. It seemed like a long walk to the truck and although we didn’t accomplish what we had set out to do, we did find some caches and had fun along the way.
After getting back to camp and cleaning up, we headed back to our friends place and had a nice dinner with them and the neighbors from just down the street. It was another one of those visits that seemed too short but we have to move on the next day to finish up our journey back to Rochester.
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